(among others)
Bryan hails from Cork Ireland and studied at University College Dublin. He later worked at Glasgow University whilst attaining further qualifications.
Bryan lives near Lambourn/Newbury with his wife Lucy, two daughters and son. He travels throughout England to equine practices as a referral veterinarian offering his surgical opinion.
(among others)
Attending race meetings and equestrian related events are his interests outside of work!!
Bryan is a European Specialist in Equine Surgery. He also has an RCVS certificate in Equine Orthopaedics and a Masters of Veterinary Medicine from Glasgow University where he investigated a new surgical technique and surgical instrument. He completed a Senior Clinical Scholarship Residency Programme in Equine Surgery between O'Gorman Slater Main and Partners, Newbury and Glasgow University which was funded by The Horse Trust.
Bryan has presented work on tendon disease in racehorses at the European College of Veterinary Surgeons, and at the British Equine Veterinary Association conferences, and has published studies in the Equine Veterinary Journal, Irish Veterinary Journal and Equine Veterinary Education among other publications. He has a special interest in Dynamic Endoscopy (Overground Endoscopy) and upper respiratory tract surgery (WIND OPS). Bryan has extensive experience of equine practice, having worked in several practices in the UK and in his native Ireland.
A link to Google Scholar where you can see some of the articles published by Bryan O'Meara